The most distinctive trait that we Filipinos possess and is essential towards achieving continued success is "GRIT"... it is a mindset. We persist even with seemingly insurmountable setbacks. We could always see the silver lining behind the clouds, the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. The video link and reading material below is like a crash course about the topic incase this word escapes you.
5 characteristics of Grit-How Many Do you Have?
Grit: the power of passion and perseverance
Having a full-time teaching job and trying to make your American Dream come into a reality is very daunting. There are times that you begin to question if the journey is all worth it. The 21st Century Teach USA Team just have one thing to say to you. It is not the time to take your eyes away from the prize! Keep cracking it even if your plans are not coming into shape or the results you get are not what you have envisioned. It should give you more reason to be resolute in your actions and be laser-sharp with your focus. You got what it takes to win this race. You are the creme de la creme because you were one of the few who remained standing after everyone had slackened or just merely gave up.
Focus your energy on submitting as many applications as you can to get those interviews no matter what. They need to listen to your story, what you can offer to their classrooms and their children. They must be able to be given a chance to lay eyes on your beautiful countenance and see hope. A Principal somewhere is very eager to welcome you! Soldier on...